Contract processing
Your production scrap is a valuable raw material!

With our modern cutting mills we shred your sprues and rejects. We then manufacture high-quality regranulates from your production rejects on our extrusion systems.

Of course, these can also be re-colored according to your specifications or further refined with additional additives. An important contribution from us to the sustainable, resource-saving use of raw materials - and all based on our many years of experience in processing high-quality plastics.

This process gives us a high-quality raw material, which we can make available to your company again within the framework of the recycling cycle.

Durch diesen Prozess erhalten wir einen hochwertigen Rohstoff, welchen wir im Rahmen des Wertstoffkreislaufs Ihrem Unternehmen wieder zur Verfügung stellen können.
Would you like more information? Contact us now!